Cross Sex Hormones: The Harms that Claim to Heal

@Peak_up is a WLRN guest writer highlighting the impacts of transgenderism on her life and the lives of women and children everywhere. This is her second post in a series on the topic.


By @peak_up (YouTube)

A certain amount of time is required with a psychologist before a person with gender dysphoria can be prescribed hormones by a physician. In most states, this time is about three months, which amounts to about twelve sessions. In this handful of hours, the therapist, thoroughly versed in the doctrine of the Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People manual, is highly unlikely to question the patient’s desire to change sex, and is disciplined only to support and encourage it. Therapists are trained to see gender dysphoric people as victims susceptible to all manner of bigotry and violence, and most wouldn’t dream of inquiring whether the condition could be the result of early impressions, sexual abuse, or emotional confusion. Therapists who work with gender dysphoric patients usually refer them as speedily as possible to the nearest endocrinologist for hormones. It is just as unpopular for doctors to question the patient’s choice as it is for therapists. They are known to prescribe them without delay, because there’s a lot of money in making someone a lifelong patient whose medical condition needs to be closely monitored. I have read many accounts that confirmed my suspicion that therapists and doctors have a tendency to speed these treatments along with haste that borders on reckless irresponsibility. My partner was a cigarette smoker at the time he was prescribed cross-sex hormones. The doctor strongly encouraged him to quit smoking, but he began taking them while he was still smoking. I had been begging him to quit for years, but his desire to take hormones was what finally made him do it. 

The cross-sex hormones immediately start to change the secondary sex characteristics of the patient. In males, the muscular tissue turns fatty, which makes the pectorals start to resemble small breasts, the skin gets softer and more fragile, and body hair starts to grow thinner and more sparse. In females, it’s the opposite. Fatty tissue and skin becomes firmer and denser, and body hair becomes thicker and grows in on the face. There is usually a change in body weight which can depend on diet and exercise, and there is a major change in sex drive, as one might imagine. These are the more subtle effects, although the physical changes are irreversible. The body weight may still fluctuate, but after the secondary sex characteristic changes take place, the patient’s original characteristics will never return to the way they were before.    

Despite the fact that doctors and therapists support this practice, studies showing the risks and health consequences of taking artificial hormones are readily available to anyone who puts even the slightest effort into looking for them. Because it is a fairly new practice, many of the long term results are not known. There is already plenty of evidence that cross sex hormones can trigger heart disease and other medical problems including liver or kidney disease, stroke, diabetes, breast cancer, and thromboembolic disease. There is no question that they disrupt the natural production of hormones in the healthy person’s body, which cannot help but result in a number of imbalances and complications.  

Performing interventions on healthy bodies is a questionable act, especially considering that all doctors are required to take the Hippocratic Oath. Their excuse for experimenting on these people for enormous profits is that if the hormones are not prescribed, the patients may become suicidal. The fact that many gender dysphoric patients become suicidal while taking the hormones does not seem to negate that excuse. Gender dysphoria is a body image disorder similar to anorexia in the feeling that the healthy body does not match the ideal of it that is held in the mind. The ideal that is held in the mind may have been put there by media images portraying a distorted version of reality. In some cases, it was put there by an abuser. It may also be a fetish (e.g. autogynephilia) or another kind of obsession. Gender dysphoric people have internalized a hatred or fear of their bodies for not being what they have somehow come to idealize. It is a mental condition caused by a sick culture that creates problems to sell the treatments. Artificial hormones are not a cure for gender dysphoria, they create side effects that make the problem permanent.

No one was ever born in the wrong body and people cannot change their sex. Every chromosome in the entire body knows its sex, and cannot be convinced otherwise by any treatment. Even when secondary sex characteristics change, all of the body’s cells will always be sexed the way they originally were. Scientists can determine a person’s sex, not gender, by examining her chromosomes or bone structure (or even bone fragments, if that’s all they have), or both. Humans are sexually dimorphic, and all the medical experimenting trying to deny or change that is a waste of time. 

Many small children are being told the lie that they can change their sex. How can anyone think that feeding a child puberty blocking hormones, with all of the identity issues that happen at that age and shortness of life experience is a justifiable thing to do? On the contrary, the fact that this is being done to children exposes the immoral and destructive mindset of any culture that would allow it.

As board certified pediatrician Michelle Cretella cites in an article she wrote for The Daily Signal, “…prior to the widespread promotion of transition affirmation, 75 to 95% of gender-dysphoric youth ended up happy with their biological sex after simply passing through puberty.” Now that these young peoples’ bodies are being medically altered, almost none of them end up recovering and accepting them the way they are. Most of them never get off the hormones. Is it any wonder that the medical industry and the “progressive” politicians it pays for want this outcome? 

The National Institute of Health (!) gave the researcher Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy a $5.7 million grant to experiment on children with cross-sex hormones at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. The minimum age for receiving cross-sex hormones was eight years old. These practices are being mainstreamed and normalized, and doctors who disagree, or even question them, are being portrayed as the immoral ones. Pediatrician Michelle Cretella writes, in her peer-reviewed article, Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate that, “…professionals who dare to question the unscientific party line of supporting gender transition therapy will find themselves maligned and out of a job.”

Besides the fact that interfering with natural bodily systems is a direct act against nature, which can’t result in anything but drastic bodily consequences, transgender treatments are all significantly toxic to the earth. Artificial hormones in birth control and post menopausal patients have been problematically polluting waterways for decades, and now we have the unnecessary transgender hormones exponentially multiplying it. 

When a medication goes into the body, it has its effect, and then washes out of the body in the person’s waste. When the toilet flushes, the water goes into the sewer system where it goes through a chemical sterilization process, and then goes back into the drinking water supply or into a water body. Artificial hormones are one of the many chemicals the sterilization process does not completely neutralize. All municipal water supplies have traces of these leftover hormones, and some have so much that when they end up in a water body, such as a river or ocean, they are powerful enough to cause changes in the sex characteristics of fish. 

In 2016, Sarah Knight reported in Natural News, “According to a recent report by the U.S. Geological Survey, male bass are experiencing sex changes due to chemicals that are found in most waterways. Studies have found that up to 85% of male smallmouth bass are demonstrating ‘characteristics of the opposite sex’ —including eggs being located where testes should be.” The article also tells us, “It is thought that the natural excretion of synthetic estrogen from birth control pills can be one of the leading causes of sex changes in fish, with males becoming feminized once they come into contact with the chemical.” 

In birth control, a tiny amount of estrogen is used to keep a female’s body at peak estrogen so an egg is not produced. Most birth control pills contain 10-35 micrograms of estradiol. Estradiol pills used to produce female sex characteristics in male-bodied people contain 2-8 milligrams. There are a thousand micrograms in a milligram. It doesn’t take a mathematician to figure out that transgender hormones cause a much bigger excretion than birth control pills. According to my calculations, it takes about 300 women taking birth control pills to equal the amount of estrogen consumed by one man on cross-sex doses of estrogen. There are probably at least that many women on birth control pills for each man on estrogen, so the sex changes observed in the male bass are probably more a result of birth control pills. Still, every male taking estrogen adds to the problem by thousands of times. In addition to the estrogen, the hormone spironolactone is prescribed to the same patients, to block their natural testosterone production, at 100-200 milligrams daily. Females who wish to become “masculinized” take testosterone at doses that vary from 20-100 milligrams per week. 

When I took birth control pills, there was a noticeable difference in my temperament. I asked my doctor for a lower estrogen brand of pills, as mine were causing terrible mood swings. Even with a lower dose, I remember feeling angry and not even having a reason. I stopped taking birth control pills altogether, and never had that feeling of rage without reason again. Men on estrogen are taking thousands of times that dose. Can this help explain why many men on estrogen have become problematically irrational or violent in public? 

Males who call themselves women are convicted of as many violent crimes as natal males. Fair Play for Women reported study results on September 8, 2018 that “Transwomen are…18 times more likely to commit a violent crime compared to female controls. But transwomen commit crimes, including violent crimes, at the same rate as any other males in the general population.” It is now becoming very difficult to study this accurately, as male violence is being reported as female violence, which is one of the many dangerously deceptive effects of the gender identity movement.

Gender dysphoric people do not need cross-sex hormones. They claim that growing breasts or beards is necessary for them to feel valid, but we know that many grown women are naturally flat-chested and many grow hair on their faces. These women do not feel any less like women, because being a woman is their physical reality, not a feeling. For a man, however, being a woman can only be imagined as a feeling. He desperately needs breasts to get this feeling, and needs other people to affirm it constantly. To him, he will only be accepted as a true female if he has noticeable breasts, because that’s what he sees when he sees a woman.


Surgeries and hormones to alter gender dysphoric peoples’ bodies provide billions of dollars to all branches of the medical industry. This industry pays for much of the democratic party politics in the United States, and that is why there is so much support for transgender people on the left side of the government. The multi billion dollar cosmetic and pornography industries also profit hugely. It’s no surprise that gender identity activists don’t have the same long, difficult struggle as other oppressed groups when it comes to acquiring privilege after privilege. No true civil rights movement could possibly provide so much corporate benefit. High budget movies, billboards, and commercials abound with heart-wrenching gender identity propaganda. Presidential campaigns pander to it. Large corporations love to get behind a profitable cause that looks virtuous, so many companies (such as Victoria’s Secret and Spehora, whose ads with “transgender” models are shown here) will gladly tout the message of normalization and acceptance of this ideology. The entire planet is being murdered in the name of corporate wealth, and the gender identity movement falls right in line with this destruction while somehow convincing the public that its message is one of kindness and compassion.

Cross-sex hormones are an aspect among many of the gender identity movement that has caused a wave of damage to everyone it has touched. They are often devastating to the very people they are supposed to heal, and the effects of them carry on to harm non-humans as well. Like a narcissistic sociopath, the self-important gender identity movement puts a few peoples’ immediate feelings ahead of real, physical reality, and doesn’t take into consideration the long term consequences. It disregards the fragility of the innocent and claims priority and victimhood over those it displaces and harms.

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