Dear WLRN listeners and supporters:
On June 17th, we posted photos on our FB page of three lesbians in Baltimore with signs and t-shirts that caused a stir. Chaos ensued as transactivists swarmed the page and filed complaints to Facebook.
For a caption of the image above, please visit:
Thanks to all of the women who reached out to us with their screen shots and concern about the attacks to our page.
FB contacted us and told us to scrub our “offending content” with the option of unpublishing the page while doing it. We unpublished the page but it is impossible for us to scrub all of the “offending” content since we are radical feminists.
In the end, we have decided to remove the Baltimore Pride Parade post and pics, but nothing more and to keep our page unpublished until July 5th, when we release our monthly podcast. Our hope is that by July 5th, TRAs will have lost interest in attacking and reporting our FB page. If not, we will ask our supporters to report TRA attacks & harassment to FB to see if maybe we can win this one.
Here is the link to our backup FB page we created in case our original page gets permanently removed:
Thanks to all of the brave women who persist and bear witness to the actions radical feminists are taking and are taking actions themselves too. Solidarity and Sisterhood to our Baltimore Crew!
Stay tuned for WLRN’s July 5th release just in time to counter US toxic patriotism found in many 4th of July celebrations. We are dedicating this program to women and anti-war activism and hope you enjoy it.
Feel free to share the news of what happened to our FB page with other women you trust, along with the link to our backup page. We would like to build a little momentum before republishing it on July 5th.
WLRN Staff Collective
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