Here is the show on YouTube!
THURSDAY, December 5th, 2024. First up, hear the greeting by Thistle before listening to Mary O’Neill deliver WLRN’s world news segment. Then, enjoy Thistle’s original song Sticky Red Egg before tuning in to aurora’s commentary on the US Presidential Elections cycle. After aurora shares her views, it’s on to Lola and her take on the American electoral political scene. Finally, our oldest member Sekhmet SheOwl weighs in with her powerful words before our special guest, Katherine Acosta gives us her analysis of this last election cycle and what it means for women. You can check out more of Kathy’s work at
This month’s cover art is by WLRN member Margaret with her artist’s statement below. Thanks for tuning in to feminist community powered radio, WLRN!
#WLRN #presidentialelections #Kamala #Trump #elections

Artist’s statement: I created an image set up with 2 sides. On the left, is Kamala Harris and on the right is Donald Trump. There is a map of the United States, mostly obscured, in the background. Blended over that is a wood grain-like texture in red that runs into the left. On the left is some blue texture that suggests tire tracks. Seemed to fit.
On the left is also an all gender bathroom sign with the mixed man-woman being the most prominent. On the right is a headline, “Attack on U.S. Capital causes 1.5 million in damage, prosecutors say,” along with an image from January 6 mayhem including a Trump flag. Around Donald are some of the 3rd party candidates who were on the ballot in Wisconsin. Cornel West, Robert Kennedy, Claudia De la Cruz and Jill Stein. There is also part of the ballot. On the left side is the edge of a rainbow flag.