Welcome to the 68th edition podcast of Women’s Liberation Radio News! This month, please enjoy our rousing rendition of “Deck the Halls” as performed by the WLRN crew right before you hear Thistle’s interview with Becky Bohan and Nancy Manahan, two women who live in an intentional community in Florida with nearly 500 other women!
Before the interview, hear Aurora Linnea’s greeting wherein she describes her essay “Necessary Utopias” for this month. After the greeting, stay tuned for Jennifer Bilek’s special report on the Gender Industry right before WLRN’s World News segment as written and delivered by Emiliann Lorenzen.
Stay tuned ’til the very end for Sekhmet SheOwl’s compelling commentary on the topic right after you enjoy the song by MILCK called “Steady as We Go.”
Thanks for tuning in to WLRN, your feminist-powered community radio station. Check out our merch page to get a keychain, some cool stickers, or other WLRN swag to support the station and proudly declare to the world that you are part of our lil’ intentional community of radical feminists staying strong together.
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